You can help support law and system changes with us and our wider Youth Services Network (YSN) partners!
Youth Services Network 2024 Legislative Agenda:
1. Safe Harbor: Increase of $20 Million – $12 Million for sustaining and expanding street outreach, emergency shelter and housing and $8 Million for Safe Harbor Supportive Services. In addition to this increase, sustain the full $1.76 million increase of one time funding in 2024-25 for Safe Harbor Emergency Shelter and Housing to the base.
2. Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing Capital (partnering with the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless request).
3. Study on Pregnant and Parenting Youth Experiencing Homelessness: $150,000 in one-time funds for a research study on the state-wide numbers, unique needs of pregnant and parenting youth experiencing homelessness and best practices in supporting them within programming, emergency shelter and housing settings.
For more information and talking points please see:
- 2024 YSN Legislative Agenda details
- Homeless Youth Act: 2022 One Pager
- Safe Harbor Minnesota
- Homeless Youth Act Biennial Report
To find your legislator click here.
A historic win in 2023:
With your support, in 2023 The Link and our partners at the Youth Services Network (YSN) were successful in increasing funding for youth experiencing homelessness and/or sexual exploitation:
- Homeless Youth Act annual funding increased from $11M to $41.5M!
- Safe Harbor funding increases of more than $6M.
- Emergency Shelter capital investment of $100M to enhance and create shelter spaces across Minnesota.
- Plus increases to Emergency Services Program, Homeless Management Information System, Transitional Housing, and more!
With these investments, The Link and our partners can make meaningful strides toward reducing and ending youth homelessness and sexual exploitation in Minnesota.
Thank you for your support!