housing 25

The Link has thirteen housing programs. Three of the programs are culturally specific with one for African American youth, one for LGBTQ youth and one for young families.


These programs provide a continuum of support for youth and young families who are experiencing homelessness: homeless prevention, street outreach, drop-in center, emergency shelter and housing. These programs also include services such as early childhood programming and support for young parents, case management, support with education and employment, mental and physical health care support, independent living skills, youth leadership development and a variety of positive activities. 

The drop-in resource center (C.O.R.E.) provides assistance with basic needs, case management and connections to a variety of resources including housing, healthcare and education. The street outreach program provides street and community based outreach to youth who are at-risk of or currently experiencing homelessness and/or sexual exploitation.


The Link’s Housing Programs are overseen by our youth-led Housing Advisory Committee. Learn more about the Youth Leadership at The Link, here.

Cairn Housing

Cairn Housing provides permanent supportive housing across the suburban metro, including Anoka, Washington, Dakota, Scott and Carver counties.  The program provides scattered site housing for youth between the ages of 18 and 24 who are experiencing homelessness.

Housing First

The Housing First Program offers 30 units of scattered-site supportive housing in Hennepin County for youth experiencing homelessness that also have a mental health and/or chemical dependency diagnosis or a physical disability.

Lindquist Apartments

Lindquist Apartments is a housing program with 24 efficiency apartments located in North Minneapolis, Minnesota. The program serves youth experiencing homelessness who are between the ages of 16 and 24 and is designed to help transition its residents out of homelessness into stable housing and a healthy adulthood..

C.O.R.E. Drop In Center

C.O.R.E. Drop In Center provides a place where youth who are at-risk of or are currently experiencing homelessness can get help with basic needs (food, clothes, shower, laundry, etc.) and connections to case management and longer term services such as housing.


Northside Homeless Prevention Program

The Northside Prevention Program helps young adults and families who are facing eviction. The program provides immediate financial assistance and supportive services to help young people avoid episodes of homelessness.

Periscope Program

The Periscope Program provides housing and supportive services to young adults ages 18-24 who have experience within Hennepin County systems.

Project Live Out Loud

Project Live Out Loud #SurvivingTheFight is a culturally specific Rapid Rehousing program for youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender (LGBTQ).

Rapid Rehousing

The Rapid Rehousing Program (RRH) helps youth who are experiencing homelessness transition quickly from the streets and emergency shelters to stable housing.

Suburban Rapid Rehousing

The  Suburban Rapid Rehousing Program (SRRH) helps youth who are experiencing homelessness transition quickly from the streets and emergency shelters to stable housing. SRRH is opened 2016 and serves the 5 county suburban metro area.


The Young Families Program

The Young Families Program is a scattered site housing program for young families within Hennepin County. This program provides housing, supportive services and early childhood programming to help young families transition out of homelessness.

Street Outreach

The Link’s Street Outreach Program provides street-based prevention and intervention services along with connections to emergency shelter, housing and longer term supportive services.

Dignity House


The Dignity House provides emergency shelter for 10 to 17 year olds who are experiencing homelessness, are systems involved or a runaway youth.

Linked Circle


Linked Circle is a collaborative program between The Link and Circle of Discipline, offering case management, supportive housing, and youth programming to improve mental, physical and spiritual health.